Professional/Personal Makeup Courses

Whether you want to become a professional makeup artist or to learn best makeup practices for everyday look and protect your skin, we have it all covered!

*** Contact Us For Course Details Today! ***

Who Should Attend Professional Makeup Class?

  • Want to find a job opportunity at Alena Makeup Artistry as a Professional Makeup & Hair Artist. 
  • Need a upgrade to your skills. 
  • Passion! Makeup is your interest & hairstyling is your joy!
  • Need a fresh start!


Who Should Attend Personal Makeup Class?

  • No idea where to start at all!
  • No idea how to do at all!
  • Is everyday makeup a chore or eating very much into your time?
  • Are you frustrated being unable to have a good eyeliner day nor look like what you have imagined yourself to be?
  • Wondering what style of makeup best suits you?
  • Not sure if you are maintaining good skin health?
  • No practice at all but suddenly have an event to attend! 



Professional/Personal Makeup & Hair Courses